Watch, Wait and Wonder

An Infant or Child-Led Intervention Aimed at the Troubled Parent-Child Relationship

Advanced (2 or 3-Day) Workshop in Watch, Wait and Wonder

Prerequisite: Introductory workshop in Watch Wait and Wonder with Dr. Mirek Lojkasek.

The advanced consultation workshop in Watch, Wait and Wonder is designed as a follow-up for participants who had taken the introductory workshop and have used or are in the process of using Watch, Wait and Wonder with at least one parent child dyad.

The aim of the workshop is to use a group case supervision process led by Dr. Lojkasek to deepen participants’ understanding of the Watch, Wait and Wonder process, fine tune therapeutic skills, link theory to practice, and learn more about their own experience when using Watch, Wait and Wonder. This is a unique opportunity to present your Watch, Wait, Wonder cases and to ask the many questions that arise once you get down to the practice of Watch, Wait and Wonder. Participants also have the opportunity to hear others present their case material. Difficulties in practice will receive particular attention. The workshop provides a safe space and opportunity for discussion of Watch, Wait and Wonder practice. Advanced ideas about Watch, Wait and Wonder are taught through this process.

The workshop format is ideal for participants who live far away who cannot access monthly meetings. Typically, individuals take the workshop 6 months to a year after taking the introductory workshop; basically after they have had some time to try Watch, Wait and Wonder in their own practice.

Advanced Consultation is also available for a group of participants who live in close proximity to Toronto. In Toronto, the advanced workshop is provided as a one day meeting monthly typically for a 6-8 month period but can be depending on group needs.

Although the workshop also includes updates on the method of Watch, Wait and Wonder, presented by Dr. Lojkasek, the primary focus is on participant presentation of case material.

Priority will be given to those individuals who bring cases for presentation.